Friday, 29 November 2013

Adobe photoshop lesson

 On friday we had a lesson on how to work photo shop, we learnt all about how to open new images and copy and paste and high light/ cut out the objects from their backgrounds. You can see an example of it above on the world, here we learnt a trick which was helpful. On the image below we got to use the mega cool magic wand and i think i learnt that photoshop needs to be precise and you can take a lot of time to make it perfect. 
 Once we learnt some basic things, we were let lose to have a play and learnt about the layers of photoshop and it is just something to remember in the future when i am editing my own images. You can see that i even edited the back ground changing it to negative, there were loads of cool brushes and tools to either completely destrot the image or make it clearer and crisper, I tried both and think my first go ended up looking pretty funky. next i think I'm going to try my own images and see how far can distort them and see how am image of a person can work differently than a flat images. 

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Auxiliary tasks.

This is what i need to do for both of my tasks from a diary form. 

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

First attempt on stop motion.

So my idea for the opening of my scene was to have a figure going around a guitar in stop motion, i started to attempt this with some stop motion software from school. It failed because the scene i wanted was too big and there wasn't enough room to show what i wanted. Even though it didn't work I'm glad i tried this because it showed me how to work the software, now i am going have to look at different directions to take and i think i might have to do it though a camera taking either pictures or filming.

Friday, 8 November 2013

axially task- pictures (editing attempt)

Here was my first attempt at ever editing a picture (except for instgram)  It didn't that well and i got a little bit carried away, with all the cover up and orange.. She looks very tangoed!! But because i want to defiantly use this image on my album cover, i thought it was worth just to give it a little whirl.
This is a try without using photoshop and a different program, this has also made me decide i want to keep my images natural. This is not only because it looks better but because it links better to the song and the image of the artist while listening to the music.

Target Audience

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Editing update

This week i've uploaded all my footage and began to see what i have and if i needed anything else. While playing around with my footage i realized a fatal mistake, i managed to film some of my scenes sideways not realizing that i couldn't just film the footage like you can with an image. But not all was lost, i found that i can key frame them round to just look normal! Luckily my footage is saved, when i was looking at my footage although i had only planned to do my scenes in a certain place, i feel now that i could add another different location.
I've also been really getting to grips with final cut express, in the past projects i've worked with Final cut pro and i movie. Although i've attempted to use Final cut express in our mini music video task this is the first time i've had my own freedom and its fun.