On friday we had a lesson on how to work photo shop, we learnt all about how to open new images and copy and paste and high light/ cut out the objects from their backgrounds. You can see an example of it above on the world, here we learnt a trick which was helpful. On the image below we got to use the mega cool magic wand and i think i learnt that photoshop needs to be precise and you can take a lot of time to make it perfect.
Once we learnt some basic things, we were let lose to have a play and learnt about the layers of photoshop and it is just something to remember in the future when i am editing my own images. You can see that i even edited the back ground changing it to negative, there were loads of cool brushes and tools to either completely destrot the image or make it clearer and crisper, I tried both and think my first go ended up looking pretty funky. next i think I'm going to try my own images and see how far can distort them and see how am image of a person can work differently than a flat images.