Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Past Student Evaluation, Jack and Airi

 Before i started my own Evaluation i thought it was important to look at past evaluations so i can be sure i'm going along the right path. When i started looking i came across a variety of different ways to express and put your evaluation together. 
The first evaluation i looked at was Jack and Airi's, i thought some of their was really interesting especially the radio cast, it was entertaining and informative. Another think i found important from their evaluation was that they showed pictures from everything they used, such as imacs or blogger, this aided the viewer seeing as they were just listening to voices. 
I didn't partially like the use of the slide share because i found it boring and you could zoom or interact with it in anyway, it also did't have anything like videos in or anything.  But i think this also shows the importance of using a variety of different medias to express your evaluation. For my own evaluation i think i have realised that i want to do a couple of videos, i think i would use the ideas from one of their videos showing the viewing reactions and then perhaps a short interview of what the viewer thought and ideas for improvements. 
This would mean my video of myself speaking less boring and would also lend itself to being done too question three, linking to audience feedback and linking to what i have learnt and improved from what people said. 
Watching the videos also made me decide i want to make my evaluation really creative and interesting, i wasn't bored looking at this evaluation compared to others i had looked at. 

Thursday, 9 January 2014

first week back..

So after a lovely rest for Christmas and new years, it was time to get back into work. 
We were given our evaluation questions and spent a lesson discussing was in which you can use a variety of medias and make it as interesting as possible. Later that lesson i then started to investigate past student examples, i decided to look as both past students from my own school and from different schools. These showed me the do's and dont's, i decided from looking just briefly at a few different past students, that i want to make mine as interesting as possible! Some just become boring with constant talking. 

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

DRAFT of music video.

This is a draft of my music video, once uploaded i have already realises to get the image quality onto youtube, i need to export it in a different way. On the final draft i will make sure of this, because as you can se it's not the best quality.

My Website. (draft)

Sunday, 5 January 2014

Digi Pack Draft

For my Digi pack i wanted to make it really simple and clear like my website, but also keep in the cool and almost alternative aspects that come across through the music, and images i am using. 
i have also tried to link some aspects like colour and font through my website and digi pack. 
i chose to add lyrics of the song that i made a video of, i think this would allow an audience member to be able to song along or learn  the meaning/ importance of the lyrics. 

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Cover of my Digi pack.

This my draft of the cover of my digi pack, i wanted to make it light and bright like the song. I also matched the fonts with my websites, because i wanted to make them cohesive. Although i didn't link the blue colour i used in my website to the front of the digi pack, i kept it light colours which links to the website and also goes with the 'chilled' vibe from the song. I also didn't want to over edit the pictures and make them seem as natural as possible.